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Music provides academic, social and creative 

outlets by which children learn, live and

express who they are.  For some children,

music is the way they communicate the best.


1. Early musical training helps develop the brain areas involved in language

    and reasoning.

2. Students of the arts learn to think creatively and improve problem solving.

3. Students who study the arts are more successful on standardized tests such as the SAT.

4. Students of music learn craftsmanship as they study how details are put

    together and what is good. It creates demand for a new level of excellence.

5. Music study enhances teamwork skills, discipline and commitment.

6. Helps to be in touch with what he or she is and what they are feeling.

7. Music provides children with a means of self-expression.

8. Music study develops skills that are necessary in the classroom. It

    focuses on "doing," as opposed to observing.

9. In the music classroom, students can also learn to better communicate

    and cooperate with one another.

10. Music performance teaches students to conquer fear and to take risks.

      A little anxiety is a good thing, and something that will occur often in

      life. Dealing with it early and often makes it less of a problem later.

In March 2, 2005, the House of Representatives passed "Congressional Resolution 45," which states that "music education grounded in rigorous instruction is an important component of a well rounded academic curriculum and should be available to every student in every school."


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